Fitness journeys in Thailand

If you have ever thought about coming to Thailand to become the fittest version of yourself, then you have absolutely chosen the right place to do so. In my first year of staying in Thailand, one thing I realized is that it is incredibly easy to stay exercising all year around due to the great weather. Secondly, there are a lot of people who come to Thailand just for this specific reason; so its very easy to stay and remain motivated and on track. This also makes it fun to meet like minded individuals.

So many options!

If you like to be fit, then this is something that Thailand greatly caters to. Whether you enjoy Muay …

Fitness journeys in Thailand

If you have ever thought about coming to Thailand to become the fittest version of yourself, then you have absolutely chosen the right place to do so. In my first year of staying in Thailand, one thing I realized is that it is incredibly easy to stay exercising all year around due to the great weather. Secondly, there are a lot of people who come to Thailand just for this specific reason; so its very easy to stay and remain motivated and on track. This also makes it fun to meet like minded individuals.

So many options!

If you like to be fit, then this is something that Thailand greatly caters to. Whether you enjoy Muay Thai, Boxing, Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Crossfit, BodyBuilding, or anything else. Trust me, there is going to be a gym, or trainers that cater to your specific needs. Whether you are an athlete, hoping to improve your peak performance, or find yourself horrible out of shape and just to improve; you can basically find anything in between here in Thailand.

How Wellness+ can help you

We here at W+ are local expats who have been in Thailand for a while just for the reason to be healthy and fit. We know where to be, we know where to check, and we know where to ask. Whether you have incredibly specific needs, or want to know the best boot camp; chances are that we know the answer, or know how to find the answer.

This isn't just for fitness related things, but even finding the right accommodation for you for several months, without having you overpay like a standard tourist. W+ is a Concierce and Assistant service; which comes almost for free and can be cancelled or paused at any time.

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